
What does my future hold?

I can't fall asleep anymore. It's driving me insane, and while I wait to fall asleep my head is going crazy with so much thinking. And so, at 1:51am while I try to get some rest I keep thinking of my plans for the future.
I've known what I wanted to do for 4 years now. It was difficult for me in middle school not knowing what my future holds. I'm a perfectionist and when it comes to my future I need everything planned and organized on paper. When grade 9 came around somehow I came across photgraphy. My dad is pretty into photography as a hobby so it kinda helped me find my muse. I always wanted to play around with his camera and eventually with my mcdonalds pay check I saved up for my first SLR camera. It arrived on my 15th birthday and I was ecstatic. The camera (in which I still own today) was crazy to learn. To me photography was just taking pictures, I thought the camera did all the hard work. Learning was a challenge. I'm still learning new things today. Now since I'm totally off topic... Aha. This year I'm graduating and I'm scared as hell (pardon my language). Planning for your future is scary! My dream future would go a little like so... Graduate highschool, take a year off and work. Maybe some simple as full time at Sears as a photographer in their portrait studio to an assistant photographer to someone who works downtown vancouver in a studio, do some of my own photography business on the side, after a year go to Langara college and go into their photo imaging program, after that (I think it's 2 years?) buy a loft downtown where I can live as well as have a studio and office for my photography :) that's where I hope to be in the next 5 years or so. If any of that works out. My main concern now is money and graduating. Hopefully God will bless me with some funds to fulfill my dreams. That, and work my ass off for that studio downtown, aha.

Now to bed.


trying to find a place in this world.

I dont know what i want, So dont ask me, cause im still trying to figure it out. Don't know what's down this road,
im just walking. Trying to see through the rain coming down. Even though im not the only one, that feels the way i do.
Im alone, on my own, and that's all i know. I'll be strong, i'll be wrong, Oh, but life goes on. Oh, im just a girl, trying to find a place in this world.

- t swift

snap snap :)

This week has been pretty good photography wise. I got to shoot two shoots this week. The first was my pastor's family. They wanted some pictures of their boys. And there adorable! I don't usually take pictures of kids, and this was one of my firsts so it was harder than i thought. Those boys had so much energy which caused me to keep up with them. I took over 100 pictures and around 30 of them turned out. It was a challenge but i had so much fun with the boys. Here's a couple shots of them...

And then today i got the privilege to take pictures of my one longest friends miss taryn galloway :) She had asked me to take some pictures of her and her brother. I had so much fun with them. I'll be updating with those pictures to come. 



you should never forget about the past, everything happens for a reason. instead learn from the past, learn from your mistakes & learn from every experience in life. never forget those that have changed you either for the good or the bad because they have made you who you are. always remember that life is meant to be tough, to challenge you, and to make you stronger.


Dear Santa...

Dear Santa, just to let you know my canon 60D camera hasn't come yet. I understand your pretty busy and the elf's could have misplaced it. But if you can get it here asap that would be awesome. k thanks. Love, Savannah :)


hardest moments

One of the hardest moments in life is deciding whether you should give up, or try harder.


Have a very merry Christmas :)

Every year we wait for this day the day where we open the presents, where we eat meals with our families and get into the holiday spirit. And every year I always get caught up in the whole excitement of it all and always forget why we celebrate this holiday. We spend weeks and even months preparing for this and then as soon as the day passes we go back into the same routine. This year I want to continue this celebration, because even though today is the day we are meant to celebrate whynot do it everyday? He was the one who died on the cross for us and Christmas, Easter and Sundays are the only days we celebrate? My new years resolution is to keep my eyes and heart on God this year. I'm graduating and going into the real world soon. It's time I grow up and choose who I want to be. And I want to be the girl who is a good representation of God, so that others will take my example and follow him too.
I know pretty deep. Aha i'm just lying here in my bed, after all our presents have been openers, and just thinking about the real meaning of Christmas. Remember this holiday is meant to be spent with family and friends remembering Christ our saviour.
God Bless <3

wait for the Lord


all roads lead home at chritsmas

I CAN'T BELIEVE CHRISTMAS IS IN 2 DAYS. I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to count the days until christmas. And now it's so close. Here's some pictures of my decorated house, actually it's not at all. Our small tree is sitting on our coffee table. We're really in the christmas spirit :)


mumford and sons

I don't have much to blog anymore but here's a tid bit of my day. I was going through my brothers CD's, being a pest i am and came across 'Mumford and Sons'. Don't get me wrong i've heard them before but listening to them i fell in love. I don't even know how to explain them their music is so catchy, calming and relaxing. Don't even get me started on their harmonies, insane. check them out sometime



So i started this new obsession. knitting. well not exactly knitting, it's kinda fake knitting. All i do is wind thread around this circular thing. It is hard work, don't get me wrong. Anyway i made some for my family for Christmas and I'm thinking about making some for some extra cash. Let me know if you'd be interested, they'd defs be cheaper than 10.


grow up?

Growing up your best friend becomes your worst enemy. Lollipops turn into cigarettes. The innocent ones turn into sluts. Homework goes in the trash. Detention becomes suspension. Soda becomes vodka. Undies turn into g-strings and boxers. kisses turn into sex. Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground?...... When protection meant wearing a helmet? When the worst you could get from guys were cooties? Your worst enemies were your siblings. Race issues were about who ran the fastest. War was only a card game. The only drug you knew was cough medicine. Wearing a skirt didn't make you a slut. The only things that hurt were skinned knees. And goodbyes only meant until tomorrow?
And to think we couldn't wait to grow up.

Winter Break

Home, and incredibly tired. I went to Chehalias for the past couple of days with my drama peeps. It was awesome. New friends, amazing food, halarious improv, silly 2am talks with the girls, filming our thrillers and oh practicing for Macbeth. Aha so sad to be gone but yet it feels good to be home.
Christmas is in 7 days, ahhh crap. I still need to buy for my dad and he's always the hardest. Watch me go to the mall the day before christmas and find a random gift :) or maybe I'll make him something really cheesy. My dad has to like it, I'm his daughter ahah. I'm just really looking forward to spending my break with my family and our tradition every year is on Christmas eve we go to a candle light service and sing chrsitmas carols. After that we go home and put all our presents under the tree and open them. Some wacky German idea, but hey I'm not complaining :)
Need to get some rest, peaceout girl scout.



apparently this is all my facebook statuses put together in a year. 2010 awwh yeah :)



be thankful

Be thankful for every heartbreak, for they were planned. They come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave. Their purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life. And you do. because if you hold on, you'll never meet anyone else. since I've gotten past old heartbreak i made myself open and ready to meet someone new.... and i did :)


praying for a friend.

Dear God,
I don't understand why things happen. But i know your incomplete control. I pray for my friend, and her family.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.- Jeremiah 29:11


dance dance

so we had our dance at school. took some pretty awesome photos.. :)


speak your mind.

She was a girl who spoke her mind, never played games, and acted confident when she could barely stand looking in the mirror. She didn't gloat her achievements, or tell of them even though she had many. She lived in mistakes, in past regrets, and she's just beginning to realize that sometimes, you can't change things. That you can't go back in the past and sometimes, you just have to move on because life's too short to dwell on the unchangeable.



This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And babe, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.


words cannot express

Today my heart goes out to the Leenstra family as they deal with the loss of their mother and wife Shelia Leenstra who passed away late last night. I've been going to school with Alysha the oldest daughter for a year and a bit and i can not even express how much i feel for her. Being only 17 and loosing your mother is terrible. I pray that the family will stay strong and be together during these next couple of months.

Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:31



Nobody's going to give you anything. You've got to go out and fight for it. Nobody knows what you want except for you. And nobody will be as sorry as you if you don't get it. So don't give up on your dreams.



i found this hilarious website called "Dear Blanks, Please Blank". Here are a couple of my favourites....

Dear Atheists,
Oh man, you guys are screwed.
Sincerely, God.

Dear Noah,
We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.
Sincerely, Unicorns.

Dear America,
You produced Miley Cyrus. Bieber is your punishment.
Sincerely, Canada.

Dear Nickelback,
That's enough.
Sincerely, The World.

Dear Waldo,
Please return my invisibility cloak ASAP.
Sincerely, H. Potter.

Dear Math,
Please grow up and solve your own damn problems. I don't have time for yours AND mine.
Sincerely, Screw the Value of X.

Dear Dora,
You're bilingual at age 4, and you seriously can't see the damn orange tree?!
Sincerely, It's right there.

Dear Taylor Swift,
If it is of any interest to you, Romeo and Juliet both kill themselves in the end.
Sincerely, Shakespeare.

Dear Amish,
You shouldn't be reading this.
Sincerely, Anonymous.

Dear Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,
Please send me my letter already. I'm tired of the Muggle world.
Sincerely, the kid who still believes in magic.


completely broken

When people say don't take things for granted, you really shouldn't. Today has been one of the hardest days for me. I found out that someone i really look up too, someone i trust and someone who's been a leader for me for 6 years is gone. He's not gone gone, but it's not gonna be the same way. In that moment that he told all of us, i broke down. Why? Because i went back to the first day i met him, 6 years ago. And i can remember exactly how that day went. Over the years we've both grown and he has been the one that has helped me with my faith and grow closer to God. He is someone that is very important to me, and now in 2 months time he's gonna be gone. I imagined growing older and coming back to help him in his work. But now, he's gonna be gone. I feel so sorry for the kids that never got to even know him. It's not his fault this has happend. But i ask God why he does this, is this suppose to benefit us? Cause it sure doesn't feel like it. I can't imagine what he's going through, after working so hard and putting so much time into all of us kids. This has been his life for the past 6 years and now all he's done is totally done done. Being the oldest in the group i couldn't even keep it together when he told us the news. I thought that since i was the oldest i should be able to be an example to all the other kids. But instead, i broke down. He was a mentor to me, he was the one that i have always gone too. Now since he is gone, i dont want our group to end. i don't want us kids to be alone and not do anything. Just because he is gone doesn't mean we will stop. This will only make us stronger.


my future

lately i can't stop thinking about my future, i'm scared to death. currently i'm making very little money and have no idea where i'm going. not to mention schools getting stressful and friends aren't helping.
i don't know if i should start looking for another job or just stay put. plus i'm saving up money to go to Kentucky to go to a youth conference and it costs be about $2,000. so when i graduate from school i'll be poor and have no money to go to school. yes i could work a year, but who knows if i'll have the energy to go back to school after a year off.
all in all, i'm a basket case. its freaking me out to see people applying to schools. and i'm scared of not knowing what i want to do.




I don't know why, but lately i've been feeling sorta empty in side. I'm asking myself, is this it? Is this life? Is there more to life than this? Yeah of course i'm graduating this year. But what the heck am i gonna do when i'm done? I want to do photogaphy. But somehow i don't know if i'm going to get very far. Will i be able to make a living off of it. I don't know. Thats what i keep telling myself....

I don't know. And because of that i'm scared.


crying in the rain

Everything just has to build up. and once you hold it in too long it just comes out. Luckily i got out of my car just in time. I am having this big fight with my friend and i needed to get out. just walk, and as soon as i got out i walked. i walked and walked till it started pouring. but thank goodness for that cause no one could then see my tears. Today was a rough day, i thought my best friend betrayed me, yes she kinda did but she didn't plan too. It just kinda happened, but then i thought to myself. Why am i holding on to something that's hurting me. I want my friend to be happy and after 17 minutes of me just balling on the phone to her we figured it out. It wasn't easy and it won't be easy for me. But i have to get over it. I need to get over it.

Why hold onto someone when they care for someone else :(


grad pranks

so since its grad year, here comes grad pranks. yes its only like the 3rd week of school but we had a perfect window for a prank.. Our school went on a run in support of Terry Fox. Me and becca woke up early today to fill up water balloons so we could chuck em at people walking by, it was a load of fun and the teachers thought it was pretty funny. So we did that in the beginning, after we went back to the school and NO ONE was there. So we thought it was a perfect time to do something. we drove to save on and bought a pack of 40 pads and shaving cream. So we blocked the stairwells with chairs and stuck pads over the main windows spelling "GRAD '11". We put shaving cream all over the washrooms. It was actually halrious, too bad we got in trouble. hey its only an hr of community work. But it was SO worth it.


GRAD 2011 !


God can do miracles

Praying for my bud mike kraan who recently got in a super bad car accident. Its so crazy how things can turn so fast. I was just with him a week before the accident and now he's lying in a hospital bed in an induced coma. I love him and miss him lots. I know he will pull through this. If you guys want to follow his progress please go to http://michaelweloveyou.tumblr.com/

love you bud. see you soon


new driver :)

So i survived my 1st week of grade 12. It has been pretty insane but this years gonna be amazing. Today i went for my road test and passed ! woop. so i'm pretty excited cause i get to drive to youth tonight, which is gonna be pretty exciting ! :)


grade 12?

Yep, this was my last time of my first day of school. If that makes any sence. Finally after 12 years of school. This is it. We are SO close. I can't wait to start this year. Today we had half a day so we had assembly to welcome our new name. Yep Fraser Valley is no longer so, we are now Surrey Christian Secondary. Kinda lame, but who cares we are the first to graduate from there ! Kinda cool . We got our classes and then were sent home.

Later today i went with my friend Rebecca Koole to go take pictures. And i'm SO PROUD of these photos. seriously my best work yet. Not to brag :) ahah but i'm super duper excited for these. I used a new program and i think they turned out awesome. Check some out. The rest are on my facebook page !

This year's gonna be amazing.


photoshoot ideas

so i wanna do some sort of cute indie kinda shoot. these are some of my ideas


something real.

All I want is something real. Someone who understands how I feel. I don't need another broken heart. I just want a love that won't fall apart.



People always tell me someone great will come along. That i'm gonna find someone amazing. But when i find someone all they want is to mess around. Its like no guy wants a relationship these days. I hate this generation.


need to stop

you know how you go through a phase, well i'm going through my rebellious stage. and its got to stop, i'm ruining myself.


Sr High Camp

So i was gone for the weekend with my youth and our district camping. It was my first time going and i was super nervous and had no idea what to expect. If you know me i'm not the camping kinda girl, don't get me wrong i love it but my family never goes camping. Anyways it took us around 2 hrs to get to the camp. This year our camp was at Camp Squeah. We had our own little area in the camp where we set up our tents and did our thing. The great thing about Sr. High Camp is that it's not like normal camp. We don't have planned activities or have to wake up at a certain time. Unless you want breakfast and lunch you gotta wake up at 8:30am to get it. Then you can go back to bed and do whatever you like. But i had an amazing trip i met so many cool people did some awesome stuff and got to reconnect with God. Sometimes you need some time to relax and get away from all the distractions...

here's some pictures of my trip


hot hot heat.

This heat is insane ! I don't usually like the heat but i'm LOVING it. This summer hasn't been very warm so having like 31 degrees is amazing. Although i need water in this heat i can actually stand it. Today i went boating with my friend Briley and it was awesome. I love being on the boat. so relaxing. i want a boat.


meteor shower

So last night was the big meteor shower. I didn't really know what to expect because i've never seen one. I kinda remembered about it around 1:30am when i saw everyone facebooking and tweeting it. So since i was already home i couldn't exactly leave my house. So i went up to my window and tried to look out, it wasn't very successful. Then i had the brilliant idea of going on my roof. So what i did was pop out my screen and crawled onto my roof. I lay their for about 45 mins. I saw about 3 of them, but seriously they were amazing. They were only a split second long but they were beautiful. Did anyone else watch the meteor shower?


i don't know where to start...

So i've been doing this online photography course that i hope to have finished by the end of this summer. Yeah, that probably WON"T happen. I'm currently on module 4 out of 6. And theirs like 3 assignments in each module. Well my teacher just posted my newest assignment, and i have no idea where to start. I have so much work to do on photoshop, editing and putting photos together. It is actually insane. This is only Photography 11, i do NOT want to know what Photography 12 has in store. Wish me luck on this .. journey? AGH.



So yesterday i spent the day downtown. I'm not usually a fan of vancouver because its busy and stuff. but i actually had SO much fun. we had so many laughs. and tons of food.
We sky trained down around 3 and did some shopping, i bought a TNA ipod cover. and then i bought a gift for Rebecca cause it was her birthday yesterday. After shopping we went to earls and ate wonderful spinach dip. then we did more shopping. Then went to Red Robin for dessert. Then we sky trained home. I had such a good day and i spent it with some wonderful ladies.

I'm glad Rebecca had a great birthday ! :)


happy birthday to my bestie!

I just want to give a shout out to my best friend Rebecca Koole :) its her birthday ! and i love her to death.


trending topics

I tweet. and I LOVE twitter. And Something i like about twitter is the trending topics, i just found a trending topic called #wordsthatleadtotrouble. here are my favourites

words that lead to trouble....
- "I love you."
- "Don't worry, skydiving's easy..."
- "I hate justin bieber.."
- ''I need to talk to you''   
- "What happened last night? "
- "I shouldn't be telling you this..."
- "I forgot my wallet"
- "Do these jeans make me look fat?"

add me on twitter: savannahdee 



Yeah, i'm blogging lots i know. aha but this is really crazy. so i signed up for a daily devotional so i get one in my email everyday. anyway i got my first one. and i can't believe what bible verse it was!!

Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. - Matthew 6:34

that verse is one of my favourites, wait not one of my favourites, it IS my favourite. it has helped me so much these past years worrying about life and whats next. and i can't believe this was the first daily devotional sent to me.  
God Is Good.


I woke up today and went to work (I work at Red Robin) . it takes me about 15 minutes to get there. i go into work and its dead, not as dead as usual saturdays but its steady. so my manager tells me to clock in as a hostess so i can help the host and bus at the same time. so i clock in at 1pm and start my shift. i bus 3 or 4 tables get ice and help host. with a bus bucket in my hand on my way to the kitchen my manager tells me i'm cut. I WORKED 30 MINUTES. before i have been cut after like 2 hrs. but 30 minuutes !? are you kidding me? is that even legal? i didn't say anything because i didn't want to make a fuss. but i was thinking, what if it took me like an hr to get to work or if i needed money to pay for things. i would be ticked. i am ticked. this is ridiculous, they can't do that. UGH.

pretty little liars

i just found the newest bestest show. seriously go watch it.



3, 2, 1 here i go !

Okay so here i go. my first blog. where do i even start? let me begin with why i started a blog.

Today i was hanging out with my good fraaand taryn galloway. we met up on bikes  in fleetwood and went for sushi and while we were catching up, talking about love, life and everything in between she suggested i start a blog.i laughed so hard. ahah oh dear. how i love her. AND MISS her. and we only live like 5 minutes away which is ridiculous.
So i'm rather new to this whole thing but i do tend to write a load of notes on facebook about life and everything. (i think i'm near 100) and i think a blog would do me well. keep posted for some more hopefully interesting posts :)

peace out girl scout.


i'm thinking i'd like to post a quote for each blog, or post thingy. here i go. this ones pretty much my favourite

"never let success get to your head, And never let failure get to your heart"