
my future

lately i can't stop thinking about my future, i'm scared to death. currently i'm making very little money and have no idea where i'm going. not to mention schools getting stressful and friends aren't helping.
i don't know if i should start looking for another job or just stay put. plus i'm saving up money to go to Kentucky to go to a youth conference and it costs be about $2,000. so when i graduate from school i'll be poor and have no money to go to school. yes i could work a year, but who knows if i'll have the energy to go back to school after a year off.
all in all, i'm a basket case. its freaking me out to see people applying to schools. and i'm scared of not knowing what i want to do.



  1. dude. pray about it. i took a year off to work and that didnt help at all. but now im moving to spain so in the end my choice of not going to school is pro. yeah after taking a year off u dont want to go back to school. I'll def pray about this for you!

  2. thanks woman ! prayer is good :) SPAIN ! thats insane. good luck on that !
