
not so fun

Its funny I haven't blogged in awhile, not because I am super busy or don't have any time. I have all the time in the world, but I feel like I have nothing really to say. My 1st week has been alright I finished up my online photography course and worked my last shift at Red Robin. It hasn't been to eventful, but lately I am reallly reallly realllly missing some people. Becca is away in Costa Rica and it's only been 1 week and I miss her like crazy. She's my best friend and being so far away not being able to text her whenever sucks BIG TIME. And Cabla's gone too ! AFRICA! Holy man, this is his 2nd week and it sucks I miss having my buddies around. 1 more week to go. Talk about friends being gone Becky left yesterday to Rouche Lake so I'm all alone. I actually wish we were going back to school, springbreak doesn't seem to fun when you have no one to share it with :(



Spring break hasn't even started yet, andI don't even know how I feel about it. A lot of my friends are gone away to missions trips and vacations and I'm left in Surrey with nothing to do :( Hopefully I'll find something useful to do with my time.
Being in yearbook I snagged my Gr 12 Photo. Geez I wish I was still this tanned :(


oh hey, I miss you.

past year

I've learned this past year. I've changed, I've grown up and realized maybe things do happen for a reason. Maybe they don't. But no matter what, they still happen. That's what we need to remember. I learned to stop analyzing things, to just let them happen. And if I get hurt, or if something bad happens, there's nothing I can do to change that. I've learned to go with my gut, and that it's okay to make mistakes because the ones that matter won't care. I've learned that love really is as great as they say it is. I've learned that your friends can save you from your worst enemy: yourself. And most importantly, I've learned that today is all we have.



Complicated is when you don't know where you stand in a person's life. It's when you're hanging in dead air and knowing you can be thrown off anytime. It's when you're like more than friends but not really, and it's like you're lovers when it's really otherwise. Sometimes you would want to have never met the person at all but at the back of your mind, you're thankful you have.



Grad photos are here :) Wowee how time flies, I remember thinking "Its gonna be forever till i graduate" and now I don't know if i'm ready. I still don't know where life is taking me but I know God has plans for me.... He just has to show me. Just spending my months being with the people that make me laugh and focusing on my schoolwork. gradduation 2011 !