
So here it begins

You'd think after graduation I'd be able to keep up with this blog thing? I don't even think many people are interested in my blog. But it seems like a good way to just let stuff out.
So where do I even start, I'm graduated and it sucks. Okay okay, its not THAT bad. But september rolls around and I feel like I should be going back to school. Let me tell you people, when your in school you can't WAIT to get out. But once your out, you just want to go back. In March of 2011 I quit my job at Reds due to not given an hours. And since then I've been looking for a job, now in September I'm still JOBLESS. And it stinks. I can't count how many applications and resumes I have handed out. And not getting a call back from anyone just gets totally depressing. Today I went back to SCS to pick up my yearbook and I talked to my old English teacher who helped us with Grad transitions in grade 12. She told me that I shouldn't fear the future, I got to just go with my gut and start something (as in post secondary school), cause when you start it will only lead you to more opportunities. The thing is I like a lot of things of course everyone says "Why not Photography". Don't get me wrong photography is my life, But I'm scared doing it 24/7 will make me dislike it. I love it so much I don't want to get bored of it. So it leaves me with what I want to do, I want to go to school so bad. I just got to figure out what to study.
Its hard watching your friends go to school. Sitting at home not working is depressing, I just pray God will lead me to something. Real soon too. 

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